A message from our CEO regarding COVID-19
To Our Valued PTI Customers:
As the COVID-19 virus has increased its global reach, PTI is taking proactive measures to protect our employees’ health, while also ensuring uninterrupted service to our customers. Currently, we’re not experiencing any impact from our supply chain. Any change in this status will be communicated directly to impacted customers.
We have suspended business travel for PTI employees outside the United States, and domestic travel will be evaluated based on ongoing CDC information and adjusted as needed
As part of our contingency and preparedness planning, we are requesting anyone planning to visit PTI during this outbreak complete the attached COVID 19 questionnaire. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we do our part to maintain the health of our employees, customers, and visitors to our facility.
While we are globally experiencing this health crisis, our thoughts and prayers go out to those affected by this virus. We strongly believe a collective, proactive response to this outbreak will protect us all from the further spread of the virus until successful containment is achieved.
Mark Rathbone, CEO